SALS: Society for Advanced Legal Studies
Promoting professional collaboration and the global study of law
About SALS
The Society for Advanced Legal Studies (SALS) is the official society of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, representing the Institute’s extended academic community and comprising scholars and professionals from the wider legal world.
The objective of SALS is to bring together friends and associates of the Institute in order to promote the international study of law, and to encourage collaborative ties between scholars, professionals, and other specialists in a range of related disciplines.
Membership is open to anyone with an active academic or professional interest in the study and application of law, possessing appropriate qualifications and professional standing.
More information on registration and benefits of membership can be found our Membership section.
Amicus Curiae
Amicus Curiae is the official journal of SALS and IALS, and features articles on a range of current subjects in law and legal scholarship. Autumn 2019 saw the launch of the second series of the journal, which is a completely open access, online publication.
SALS hosts events throughout the year, in collaboration with the Institute. These include lectures, seminars and Working Groups. Further information on SALS events is available through the IALS events calendar.
Society Governance
The Society for Advanced Legal Studies is governed by an Executive Committee, working in cooperation with an external Advisory Group composed of SALS members.
History of SALS
SALS was originally founded by the previous Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Professor Barry Rider, and was formally inaugurated by HRH the Princess Royal as part of the Institute’s 50th anniversary celebrations in 1997.
The membership of SALS is made up of individuals from a diverse range of international, professional and educational backgrounds. From those just beginning their postgraduate studies to senior members of the judiciary, they share an interest in and commitment to the advanced study and application of Law.
SALS is free to join, and membership is open to anyone with an active interest in Law. Practitioners and academics with a professional or postgraduate qualification in Law or a related field from any country are most welcome; and in 2008, SALS opened membership to students enrolled in a postgraduate programme in Law at any university in the world.
By joining SALS, you are supporting the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) in its work to promote and facilitate the advanced study of law in London and around the world, and becoming part of a large network of scholars and professional specialists. We welcome the participation of our members, and encourage you to get involved in our activities. We are keen for members to submit articles to Amicus Curiae, the journal of the Society and the Institute; we are delighted to see members at seminars, lectures and events organised by or in collaboration with IALS; and we welcome the assistance of members in fundraising to support the work of SALS and IALS.
If you would like to become a member of SALS, please click here to access the online application form. Should you have any difficulties, please contact: sals@sas.ac.uk
Membership Benefits
As a SALS member, you will receive the following benefits:
- A discount to paid-for events held by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
- 10x free tickets to the IALS Library each year (NB: postgraduate students are entitled to free library access during the entire term of their studies)
Data Protection statement
SALS membership data is managed by the University of London Development Office. To see how this affects how we process, store and manage your data, please see the Development Office’s full Data Protection statement here.
Legal Disclaimer
“The Society for Advanced Legal Studies” was set up in May 1997 as a charity registered in England and Wales (number 1069631) and a company limited by guarantee (number 3366060), to promote legal research at an advanced level at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (“IALS”), which is part of the School of Advanced Study at the University of London. In 2016, the members of the Society decided to wind up the company and deregister it as a charity, which occurred in 2019.
The University has established a new “Society for Advanced Legal Studies”, which is an affinity group to support and promote the work of IALS. This new Society will not be a separate legal entity but rather will be part of the University. As part of the restructuring, the Society has decided to remove the £75 p.a. membership fee; the Society is now free to join at all levels of membership.
SALS Advisory Group
Professor Stephen Bailey
Stephen Bailey is Professor of Public Law at the School of Law, University of Nottingham. Among the positions he has held are those of Chair of the Committee of Heads of University Law Schools (CHULS), and Hon. Secretary and President of the Society of Legal Scholars.
Anthony Bradney
Anthony (Tony) Bradney is emeritus professor of law at Keele University, having previously held chairs in law at the University of Sheffield and the University of Leicester; his research interests focus on university legal education, and law and religion. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, and a Fellow of both the Academy of Social Sciences and the Royal Society of Arts. He has fulfilled a variety of executive roles for both the Socio-Legal Studies Association and the Society of Legal Scholars, and became Chair of the SALS Advisory Group in 2019. In 2018 he was jointly awarded (with Fiona Cownie) the Socio-Legal Studies Association’s annual prize for contributions to the socio-legal community.
Upper Tribunal Judge Elizabeth Cooke
Lizzie Cooke is a solicitor; she was a professor of law at Reading University from 2003 to 2015. From 2008 to 2015 she was a Law Commissioner for England and Wales with responsibility for property, family and trusts law. From 2015 to 2019 she was a Principal Judge in the First-tier Tribunal. She is now a Judge of the Lands Chamber of the Upper Tribunal, and also a Deputy High Court Judge in the administrative Court and in the Chancery Division.
Professor Alisdair Gillespie
Alisdair A. Gillespie is Professor of Criminal Law and Justice and Head of Lancaster University Law School. His expertise is in cybercrime, particularly sexual offences that are facilitated by Information and Communication Technologies. He also has a long-standing interest in Legal Education. Alisdair is currently a member of the executive of the Committee of Heads of UK Law Schools (CHULS).
Andrew Halper
Andrew Halper qualified as a barrister and solicitor in British Columbia in 1982, and subsequently as an English solicitor. Prior to joining Canada's diplomatic service in 1989, he worked as a prosecutor in Vancouver, and then in private practice. After a posting to China he left the diplomatic service in 1994 and led the Beijing office of an international firm. In 1998 Andrew left Beijing and joined Dentons LLP’s London office as a corporate partner, specialising in China-related work. He later worked at other large London firms until 2017. Whilst practising full-time he lectured in Chinese law at SOAS, Cambridge University and Oxford University.
Andrew now serves as a magistrate in London, as Chair of the British Refugee Council, and as a member of the governing body of the University of London. He was educated at the University of British Columbia (BA in Chinese and LLB in Law), and the University of Paris-Sorbonne (DEA in African law).
Camilla Lamont
Camilla Lamont is a barrister at Landmark Chambers who specialises in all aspects of property litigation but with a particular emphasis on commercial and development work.
She was educated at Lincoln College, Oxford, where she obtained a first class honours on the BCL, and was called to the Bar by the Middle Temple in 1995. She is an editor of Hill & Redman’s Law of Landlord & Tenant and has previously taught at Oxford University as a lecturer on commercial leases and real property. Camilla is also a qualified mediator.
Camilla has been ranked for many years in the legal directories as a leading junior in property litigation and she was named Real Estate Junior Barrister of the year at the Chambers & Partners UK Bar Awards 2017.
Camilla sits on the Independent Decision Making Body of the Bar Standards Board, is a Senior Reviewing Barrister for Advocate (formerly the Bar Pro Bono Unit) and a member of the Chancery Bar Association, the Property Bar Association and UKELA. She is currently Chair of Landmark Chambers’ Equality, Diversity and Wellbeing Committee.
Professor Linda Mulcahy
Linda Mulcahy is the Professor of Socio-Legal Studies and the Director of the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. She has degrees in law, legal theory, sociology and art history and her work has a strong interdisciplinary flavour. Linda has previously held posts at the LSE, Birkbeck, the Law Commission and Bristol University where she has been a Head of Department, Dean of Arts and Director of PhD programmes. She specialises in dispute resolution and the ways in which lay users experience the legal system. Linda has undertaken a number of empirical studies of disputes between business people in the car distribution industry, divorcing couples, doctors and patients and neighbours on council estates. Her work has been funded by a range of bodies including the Economic and Social Research Council, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Nuffield Foundation, the Department of Health, the NHS Executive, the Leverhulme Trust and the Lotteries Board.
Linda’s publications span a number of different topics including the socio-legal dynamics of disputes, the design of law courts, feminist and relational perspectives on contract law, visual representations of law and legal methodology. Her most recent book, The Democratic Courthouse authored with Emma Rowden, was published in November 2019. Linda served as an editor of the International Journal of Social and Legal Studies for ten years and is currently a member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Law and Society. Linda is currently a Visiting professor at ANU Law School and a member of the Council of JUSTICE.
Amicus Curiae
Amicus Curiae is the official journal of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.
From autumn 2019, the journal will be published three times a year. It covers a diverse range of subjects in Law, as well as reports on recent news from the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and the wider legal world. Contributors include lawyers, legal scholars, and other legal professionals, many of whom are also members of SALS.
Amicus Curiae is edited by Professor Michael Palmer, Senior Associate Research Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies.
Accessing the journal
Series Two:
A new series of Amicus Curiae was launched in the autumn of 2019. The new series is entirely open access and published exclusively online.
Series One:
- All articles featured in Amicus Curiae, published before 2015, are available as an open access journal in SAS Open Journals and through the SAS-Space research repository, and are searchable by author.
- Access to the latest editions of Amicus Curiae is available for free to members of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies.
Amicus Curiae also has its own website, containing further information on the publication and its history. Additional guidelines on access and citation for the journal in its electronic form are available through Amicus Curiae Online in SAS Open Journals.
Writing for Amicus Curiae
We welcome article submissions from our membership and the wider legal community. Prospective contributors should get in touch with Professor Michael Palmer, at amicus.curiae@sas.ac.uk with articles and proposals.
Guidelines for authors are available on the Amicus Curiae website.
Contact SALS
How to contact us
Email: sals@sas.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 7862 5883