OBserving Law - the IALS Open Book Service for Law was an Open Access book publishing initiative developed with the School of Advanced Study and the University of London Press which launched in 2017.  The final book in this series, International Tax Clinics Handbook, is due to be published in Autumn 2023.

However IALS are pleased to announce the launch of a new OA series, Reimagining Law and Justice.

Our Open Access books are free to read online and download in PDF format for anyone in the world to use via the Humanities Digital Library

The University of London Press builds on a century of publishing tradition by disseminating distinctive scholarship at the forefront of the humanities. Based at the School of Advanced Study, the Press seeks to facilitate collaborative, inclusive, open access, scholar-led interchange, within and beyond the academy.

For more about UoL Press, including distribution information please see here

OBserving Law

Editorial Advisory Board

Editorial oversight for the IALS Open Access publications is provided by an Editorial Advisory Board bringing together the skills and experience of academics, librarians and publishing professionals. 

  • Professor Carl Stychin, IALS (Chair and Joint General Editor)
  • Ms Sandy Dutczak, IALS (Joint General Editor)
  • Professor Diamond Ashiagbor, University of Kent
  • Professor Anthony Bradney, Keele University
  • Ms Marilyn Clarke, IALS
  • Professor Fiona Cownie, Keele University
  • Dr Agata Fijalkowski, Leeds Beckett University
  • Mr Richard Hart, Consultant Publisher
  • Dr Colin King, IALS 
  • Dr Oliver Lewis, Doughty Street Chambers
  • Dr Mara Malagodi, University of Warwick
  • Dr Adaeze Okoye, University of Brighton
  • Professor Sally Wheeler, Australian National University
  • Dr Keina Yoshida, Doughty Street Chambers

Latest Publications

Publishing Open Access with the IALS and UoL Press

IALS and the University of London Press offer Open Access monograph publishing services for legal researchers, enabling their work to reach the widest possible audience worldwide. 

Open Access refers to the free access and generally free reuse (usually with some restrictions) of published research. It represents a shift in attitudes towards both the dissemination and utility of research and the cost of access to readers and scholars.

We welcome proposals from individual authors and editors from across the academic and legal research community - including within and external to the University of London, and from learned societies and organisations. 

For more information about the IALS publishing process, including Proposal Submission, Peer Review and the Publication Process see the University of London Press 'Publish with Us' Guidance.

Submissions and Guidelines

The University of London Press is a predominantly Open Access publisher and is committed to publishing as many books Open Access as possible. As well as going through the same rigorous editorial and peer review processes as non-open access titles, Open Access books published by the Press benefit from the same high-quality standards of production – including copyediting, typesetting, proofreading and cover design – and marketing.

We welcome submissions and proposals for law or law-related monographs, textbooks, edited volumes and other scholarly works, including shorter form books, reference materials and born-digital content.