Associate Fellows
Senior Associate Research Fellowships and Associate Research Fellowships are awarded to individuals who can demonstrate an active commitment to furthering the Institute’s agenda of research promotion and facilitation (RPF), legal education, advancing innovation, and bridging research between the academy, the profession, judiciary, civil service and industry.
Fellowships are awarded annually by the IALS Research Committee through an open competition and are non-stipendiary. They are awarded on the basis of an application which proposes a substantial contribution to the academic activities of the Institute.
A substantial contribution can include any of the following: :
- Governance (membership of IALS committees and Advisory Council)
- Supervision of IALS registered PhD students
- Teaching/Training on IALS academic programmes and short courses
- Publications in which IALS is listed as institutional affiliation
- Support of IALS Open Access publishing agenda (eg, Amicus Curiae; Reimagining Law and Justice)
- Support of IALS Research Training programmes
- Organisation and/or participation in IALS advertised events
- Income generating activities for IALS (eg, room rental)
- Securing research grants in which IALS has been institutionally affiliated
- Public engagement activities (eg, Being Human Festival)
- Contribution to the wider School of Advanced Study
- Support for the IALS Library and BAILII
- Support for the governance and activities of the IALS Research Centres
Applicants are encouraged to discuss any proposals with the Director before submitting their applications.
Fellows benefit from access to the library and other facilities of IALS equivalent to those enjoyed by members of staff. Fellowships are renewable each year, renewal being dependent upon a written case in which the previous year’s contribution is satisfactorily evidenced, and in which plans for the upcoming year are suitably outlined.
Applications are considered by the IALS Research Committee in September.
CV and research proposal should be sent by 31st August to Eliza Boudier eliza.boudier@sas.ac.uk