We welcome blog post submissions from legal scholars to postgraduate research students.  Posts should be between 800-1500 words. Longer posts are accepted at the discretion of the IALS Blog editors.


Please submit your post or proposal to ials.blog-submissions@sas.ac.uk attaching your document in Word format.  

IALS reserves the right not to publish every submitted blog post and reserve the right to take down any posts if requested to do so.

Personal details

All submissions should include your name, university or organisation and your academic position or job title. Posts will always reflect the views of the author and not necessarily those of IALS.


The IALS blog aims to be accessible to a wide audience, including non-academics or those with cross-disciplinary interests. Therefore, please avoid use of acronyms and academic terms that may not be well known outside of your own research area.  We would welcome blog posts on the following topics:

  • Opinion pieces – your expert opinion on developments in the law
  • A precis of your current research
  • Reports on the value of law conferences or events you have recently attended
  • Commentary or reports on recent legal cases or legislation in the news