caLIM Current Awareness for Legal Information Managers
a searchable database of current awareness information giving bibliographic details of newly published books and journal articles of specific interest to law library and legal information professionals. caLIM can be searched by author, title or by a free text search of all fields.

Eagle-i Internet Portal for Law
The successor to the award-winning national Intute and SOSIG law gateways, provides description and evaluation of selected high quality and authentic legal information sources on the web. By agreement IALS has harvested and enhanced law records rescued from Intute - helping to ensure the continued availability of quality-driven facilities for the national legal research communities and encourage inclusion in skills training.

FLAG Foreign Law Guide
An award-winning database forming a collaborative Internet gateway to holdings of foreign, comparative and international law in UK national and university libraries, locating and describing the collections in libraries throughout the UK. Increasingly FLAG proves to be a foundation upon which a national strategy for the acquisition and retention of foreign, international and comparative primary law materials can be built. In a time of reduced budgets it provides an important tool to identify gaps and overlaps in coverage aiding informed decisions on cancellation or rationalisation of resource provision.

FLARE Foreign Official Government Gazettes
A web database version of the Flare Union List of Foreign Official Government gazettes which provides bibliographic and source information (including details of print holdings in UK libraries and links to online versions) for foreign official government gazettes publishing primary and secondary legislation – offering guidance to pinpoint the relevant portions and sources of gazettes which can be voluminous and complex publications.

FLARE Index to Treaties
The Flare Index to Treaties is a searchable database of basic information on over 2,000 of the most significant multilateral treaties concluded from the 1600s onwards and a number of significant bilateral treaties signed between 1353 and 1815, with links to the full text, where available, providing a research tool aiding scholars and students, lawyers and librarians in researching the international law of treaties - whether they are new or experienced in the field.

Law PORT is a suite of online training resources designed to improve the legal research and information literacy skills of postgraduate researchers in law. Tutorials have been created to support PhD students in their public international law research (specifically researching customary international law, and treaties & international conventions) and with the citation of legal authorities using OSCOLA. The tutorials are designed to be self-paced, interactive and easy-to-use. The Law PORT project is an initiative of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), funded by the School of Advanced Study.

Legal Research in the United Kingdom in the 20th Century
This IALS open access database provides a list of legal theses and dissertations successfully completed for postgraduate degrees awarded by universities and polytechnics in the United Kingdom from 1905-1984.