Services and Facilities
Wifi access
IALS Lib is the best wifi network to be on whilst at IALS. This will allow you to access all the electronic resources as if you were using one of our computers.
Username = your IALS library card barcode number (without spaces)
Password = your surname as shown on the back of your card (including spaces/hyphens)
If you don't have a full IALS library card, you can use the open UOL Conferences network which doesn't need you to log in but you will not have access to our e-resources unless you log into those individually as if you were outside IALS.
If you have access to it, you will also be able to use the Eduroam network whilst at IALS.
Please see a member of staff if you need further help.
Copying, printing and scanning
IALS Library has an account-based system which allows you to print, copy or scan from your library card. Library users can manage their copy accounts via our printing portal. The system is easy to use and ideal for all library users including our one-day pass holders.
For further information please see our guide How to Print, Copy and Scan at IALS
Public computers
We have more than 40 computers in the library which you can use without needing to log in. Most of these are on the 2nd floor. You will also be able to print from these computers.
By using our computers you accept the terms as set out in our Regulations.
Laptops for loan
The IALS Laptop Loans Service is free and available to all library members (excluding Temporary and Day Ticket holders).
We currently have six Windows 10 laptops for use within the library. These laptops have Microsoft Office applications and internet browsers installed on them and if you are connected to IALS Lib wifi you will also be able to print from them and access all our e-resources.
Files can be saved to either USB devices or the cloud. Any files saved locally on the laptop will be wiped when the device restarts. This is a security feature which ensures that any personal data entered is also erased when the device is restarted.
This self-service facility is located next to the Enquiry Desk on the 2nd Floor (yellow lockers) and available during library opening hours. Laptops may only be used within the library and cannot be taken out.
Self-check kiosk
There is a self-check kiosk next to the Enquiry Desk on the 2nd floor where you can borrow and return books. If you are returning books using this service, please post the books through the yellow slot after you have checked them in.
Microform scanner
IALS has a digital microfiche/microfilm scanner on the 2nd floor. Please see a member of staff during staffed hours if you would like to use it.
Group study rooms
We have two Group Study Rooms on the 2nd floor which students can book to use. Using your library card, you can book either of the rooms for up to a maximum of two hours per day and up to five days in advance. To book, visit https://roombooking.ials.sas.ac.uk
You can also use the door control panel to make bookings on the day.
Private Room for Online Meetings
A private room for online meetings is available to all library users. The room is fully sound proofed and available on request during staffed hours.
To reserve the room, please visit https://roombooking.ials.sas.ac.uk
The key should be collected from and returned to staff at the Enquiries Desk.
Library carrels
IALS Library has a number of research carrels available for rent during the academic year to postgraduate researchers.
See Library Research Carrels for more information.
Quiet contemplation room
Room G2 on the Ground Floor is a dedicated space designated for quiet contemplation, reflection, meditation, or prayer.
The room is not bookable, as it is intended to be a space where anyone can drop in when they need.
Guidance and Expectations of Use [PDF]
Please ask Ground Floor reception staff for directions to the room.
Lockers are available for all library members and are free to use to store personal belongings during the day and are not intended for overnight usage. IALS will not be held responsible for any items kept in the lockers and any items left behind at the end of the day will be disposed of.
The lockers are located opposite the admissions desk near the exit/entrance to the Library.
If you have any questions or need more information, please ask a member of staff.