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Hart Workshop

Timetable for an online event

April 26-28th 2021

Day 1   Territorial Jurisdiction and Transnational Crime

9.30-10.15Opening remarks

Lord David Lloyd-Jones (UK Supreme Court)

Prof Lindsay Farmer (University of Glasgow)


·  Prof Mireille Hildebrandt (Vrije Universiteit, Brussels)

         “Text-Driven Jurisdiction in Cyberspace” 

10.15-10.30      Break

10.30-11.30      Parallel sessions

                      Panel 1: Jurisdiction in financial crime

Panel 2: Jurisdiction and trafficking 

11.30-11.45      Break

11.45-12.45      Parallel sessions

Panel 3: The role of civil law in addressing transnational crime

Panel 4: The limits of jurisdictional ambits

12.45-1             Break

1-1.30              Plenary

·       Prof Cedric Ryngaert (University of Utrecht)

“Collapsing the distinction between prescriptive and enforcement jurisdiction in a-territorial zones”

1.30-2.30         Social event

Day 2 Beyond territoriality

9.30-10.30        Plenary

·       Prof Alejandro Chehtman (University Torcuato Di Tella)

“The presumption against extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction”

·       Mattia Pinto (PhD researcher, London School of Economics)

“Historical trends of human rights gone criminal across the globe”

10.30-10.45      Break

10.45-11.45      Parallel sessions

Panel 5: Extraterritorial jurisdiction: law and practice.  

Panel 6: The impact and role of human rights in delineating jurisdictional conflict

11.45-12           Break

12-1                 Parallel sessions

Panel 7: Universal jurisdiction

Panel 8: Cybercrime: country perspectives

1-1.15              Break

1.15-2.30         Plenary Roundtable

·       Stuart Alford QC (Latham & Watkins LLP)

·       Jonathan Hall QC (6KBW and Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation)

·       Felicity Gerry QC (Libertas Chambers) 

·       James Ramsden QC  (Astraea Group)

2.30-3.30Social event

Day 3 Investigation and Enforcement

9.30-10.30        Plenary

·       Prof Julia Hörnle (Queen Mary, University of London)

 “An umbrella for dark clouds – cross-border digital investigations, jurisdiction and safeguards?”

·       Áine Clancy (PhD researcher, Queen Mary, University of London)

“UWOs against PEPs as a response to jurisdictional limitations: problems and potential”

10.30-10.45      Break

10.45-11.45      Parallel sessions

Panel 9: ‘Territoriality’ in investigative powers

Panel 10: Proceeds of crime

11.45-12           Break                 

12-1                 Plenary

·       Prof Katalin Ligeti (University of Luxembourg)

“Enforcement Jurisdiction and Globalised Criminal Investigation: Conflict, Comity, Convergence”

·       Prof Uta Kohl (University of Southampton)

“Amazon’s Doorbells and 23andMe’s DNA – Global Private Data Collectors as the Gateways into 21st Century Datafication of Law Enforcement” 

1-1.15              Break

1.15-2              Parallel sessions

Panel 11:  Reining in the ‘foreign’ service provider

Panel 12:  Jurisdictional conflict in extradition law

2-2.15              Break

2.15-2.45         Plenary  

· Chair: Prof Uta Kohl (University of Southampton) 
· Prof Ian Walden (Queen Mary, University of London) 
“Concurrency, conflict and compliance: Service Provision in a Global      Economy”

2.45-3.00         Closing remarks (Prof David Ormerod QC, University College London)

This seminar is organised in collaboration with the University of Glasgow, Queen Mary, University of London, and University College London.



This Webinar is free but advance booking is required (deadline Friday, 23 April 2021 17:00). Details about how to join the virtual event will be circulated

via email to registered attendees closer to the event date.