Research Interests

Contract law, Commercial law, Company law, Business law, Banking and financial regulation, Gender and women in the legal profession

Additional Information

Dr Victoria Barnes is Reader of Commercial Law at Queen’s University Belfast.  Her research examines contract, commercial and corporate law from transnational, comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives.  She unpicks pivotal historic events, such as landmark cases, and places them in context.  Her work traces the way organisations, legal principles and doctrines have developed through time.  She focusses often on the history of the banking and financial industry and its regulation.  Global actors, such as judges, lawyers, and other influential figures, including CEOs, feature heavily in her work as catalysts for socio-legal change.  Her work has an empirical bent, especially with its emphasis on quantification and quantitative methods.  She has published around 50 journal articles and book chapters on these themes. 

Other Information

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Latest Articles

Victoria Barnes and Francesco De Pascalis (2023), R v Natwest (2021): Another turning point in the regulation of big banks? Company Lawyer 44 (5) 143-151

Victoria Barnes and Lucy Newton (2022), Corporate identity, company law and currency: a survey of community images on English bank notes Management and Organizational History 17 (1-2) 43-75   
Victoria Barnes and Lucy Newton (2022), Women, uniforms and brand identity in Barclays Bank Business History 64 (4) 801-830 
Philip Bajon, Victoria Barnes and Emily Whewell (2021), Global Legal Biography Comparative Legal History 8 (2) 127-153 

Victoria Barnes (2021), Anne Fleming’s History of Law and Consumer Finance Enterprise and Society 22 (2) 316-332  
Victoria Barnes and Emily Whewell (2021), Judicial Biography in the British Empire Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 28 (1) 1-27  

Victoria Barnes, ‘Interrogating a self-told narrative: Lord Lindley’s autobiography, his life and his legal biography’ (2020) 41 (2) Journal of Legal History 143-163

Victoria Barnes, Catharine MacMillan and Stefan Vogenauer, ‘On legal biography’ (2020) 41 (2) Journal of Legal History 115-121

Victoria Barnes, ‘Shareholder primacy and managerial control in Anglo-American corporate governance’ (2020) 41 (2) Company Lawyer 43-49

Victoria Barnes, ‘Legal transplants, law books and Anglo-American corporate fiduciary duties’ (2020) 16 (2) Hastings Business Law Journal 145-174

Victoria Barnes, ‘What were shareholder rights in the wake of the American Revolution?’ (2020) 19 Florida State University Business Law Review 132-158

Victoria Barnes and James Oldham, ‘The legal foundations of apparent authority’ (2019) 44 (4) Journal of Corporation Law 649-664

Victoria Barnes, Sean Bottomley and Anselm Küsters, ‘Economic history as legal history’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte 265-270

Victoria Barnes and Emily Whewell, ‘English contract law moves East: Legal transplants and the doctrine of misrepresentation in British Consular Courts’ (2019) 7 (1) Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 26-48

Victoria Barnes and Lucy Newton, ‘Symbolism in bank marketing and architecture: The headquarters of National Provincial Bank of England’ (2019) 14 (3) Management and Organizational History 213-244 

Victoria Barnes and Lucy Newton, ‘War and peace in organizational memory’ (2018) 13 (4) Management and Organizational History 303-308

Victoria Barnes and Lucy Newton, ‘War memorials in organizations: a case study of the Bank of England’ (2018) 13 (4) Management and Organizational History 309-333

Victoria Barnes and Lucy Newton, ‘Visualising organizational identity: the history of a capitalist enterprise’ (2018) 13 (1) Management and Organizational History 24-53

Victoria Barnes and Lucy Newton, ‘How far does the apple fall from the tree? English bank regulation and branching strategies in the nineteenth century’ (2018) 60 (2) Business History 447-473

Victoria Barnes, ‘Judicial intervention in early corporate governance disputes: Shadwell’s lost judgment in Mozley v. Alston’ (2018) 58 (3) American Journal of Legal History 394-413

Victoria Barnes and Lucy Newton, ‘Constructing corporate identity: Fashioning the face of the first banking companies’ (2017) 18 (3) Enterprise and Society 678-720

Victoria Barnes and James Oldham, ‘Carlen v. Drury: The origins of the internal management debate in Anglo-American Corporate Law’ (2017) 38 (1) Journal of Legal History 1-26