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Justice Richard Humphreys

Senior Associate Research Fellow

B.C.L. (N.U.I.), LL.M. (N.U.I.), Ph.D. (Dub.), F.R.S.A., F.R.G.S. 

High Court, Dublin



Research Interests

Judging and technology; the Irish-British legal relationship including translating mutual respect into legal and constitutional terms; national and international legal responses to the invasion of Ukraine; UK administrative and constitutional law reform issues 

Additional Professional Information

Judge of High Court of Ireland, Visiting Scholar Queen’s University of Belfast (2021-22).  Previously lecturer in law in UCD Dublin and UCC Cork (full time) and University of Dublin and NUI Galway (part time).  


Books and Articles

2021  Reconciling Ireland (ed.) (Irish Academic Press) 

2018  Beyond the Border (Merrion Press) 

2010  Memoirs of “The Pope” Flanagan (ed.) 

2008  Countdown to Unity (Irish Academic Press) 

1988  Index to Irish Statutory Instruments (Butterworths) 

1987-date Numerous articles and other publications including book chapters.