Research Interests

Legal Education, especially the development of academic professional identities; legal pedagogy and the history of legal education

Additional Information

Fiona Cownie is Professor of Law Emerita at Keele University. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Artis and of the Academy of Social Sciences.


Recent Publications

F.Cownie & E. Jones (2021) ‘Blackstone’s Tower in Context’ Amicus Curiae (Series 2 Vol 2 No3)

E. Jones & F.Cownie (Eds) (2020) Key Directions in Legal Education: national and international perspectives (Routledge).

A.Bradney & F.Cownie (2020) ‘The Changing Position of Legal Academics in the United Kingdom: professionalization or proletarianization?’ JLS Vol 47 Issue S2 Special Supplement Celebrating Phil Thomas at 80 pp s227-s243.

F.Cownie (2019) ‘The Reception of Legal Education Research in the (Legal) Academy’ Ch 2 in B. Golder, M. Nehme, A. Steele & P Vines Imperatives for Legal Education Research: then, now and tomorrow (Routledge)

F.Cownie (2018) ‘Claire Palley’ Ch 18 in E. Rackley & R. Auchmuty (Eds)  Womens’ Legal Landmarks: celebrating the history of women and the law in the United Kingdom and Ireland (Hart Publishing)

F.Cownie & A. Bradney (2017) ‘Socio-Legal Studies: a challenge to the doctrinal approach’ Ch2 in D. Watkins & M. Burton (Eds) Research Methods in Law (Routledge)