Crime and CoViD-19: The impact of the pandemic on organized, financial and corruption crimes

Video date:
Monday, 18 May, 2020
Video speaker(s):
Professor Dimitris Ziouvas, Associate Fellow at IALS
Mr Ilias Chatzis, UNODC
Ms Gemma Aiolfi, Basel Institute on Governance
Ms Luca Bird, Global Initiative for Transnational Organised Crime.
Chair/Host: Professor Dimitris Ziouvas, Director of the Centre for Criminal Justice of Panteion University of Athens and IALS Associate Research Fellow
This Webinar explores the impact of the CoViD-19 pandemic on typically transnational forms of crime like organized crime, financial crime and corruption. World leading experts explore how the lockdown, the closure of borders and the transition to a more digital world and economy with the expanded use of cashless means of payments affect both crime and its governance. How are criminals and organized criminal groups adjusting their modus operandi and their business models to the ‘new normal’ created by the pandemic? Are law enforcement agencies ready to respond to the new challenges?
Tags: Centre for Financial Law, Regulation & Compliance (FinReg)
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