Responding to the Crises: Law, Alternative Economies and Activism

Full workshop programme


Welcome and Opening Remarks

Professor Carl Stychin, Director of Institute of Advanced Legal Studies 

Donatella Alessandrini, Adam Gearey, Kojo Koram and Fiona Macmillan, on behalf of the organising institutions, Birkbeck School of Law and Kent Law School

First Plenary Address

Dalia Gebrial, London School of Economics 
Chair: Kojo Koram

Stream One: Re-working Law’s Political Economy

Abstracts currently received of papers to be presented 

  • Haiti, Dent and Invention of Structural Adjustment
  • “Open Research in Developing Countries: The risk of commercialisation of open data for economic benefit.”
  • Alienation of the data subject
  • ‘Ecocide’ and International Criminal Law: A Political Economy Critique
  • The Relationship between Women’s Rights and Economic Profitability–Do Women Have Rights Only when It Makes Sense Economically?
  • Collecting legal time-tools for reproductive justice
  • Imagining and instantiating alternative econo-legal futures through designerly ways

Stream Two: Alternative Politics, Alternative Norms

Abstracts currently received of papers to be presented 

  • Landscape, Law and Spatial Justice 
  • Interconnected Law: A socio-ecologically holistic conception of law
  • Responding to the Crises: Law, Alternative Economies and Activism 
  • Lawful and Unlawful Fantasies of Political Subjectivity in Jane McAlevey’s ‘Organising For Power’

Panel: Crisis, Markets and Punishment – Taking Stock, Looking Forward


Maximo Sozzo 
Jose Brandariz

Second Plenary Address

Toni Lester, Babson College
Chair: Fiona Macmillan 


Panel: Radical Lawyering

Franck Magennis
Chair: Adam Gearey

Stream Three: News from Everywhere

Abstracts currently received of papers to be presented 

  • Prefiguring “community” in international law and land justice in South Africa
  • Indigenous Peoples Environmental Justice as Decolonisation of Economics. The Prior Consultation, labour and local cooperation in Colombia as a perspective of well-being
  • The Battle of Women’s Movement under the AKP Regime
  • A Critical Defence of Human Rights: Suppressing the Far-Right OK Narrative 
  • Earth and Outer Space: evolving transcultural extraterrestrial law

Stream Four: The Point is to Change It!

Abstracts currently received of papers to be presented

  • The social state and social rights in Europe’s national constitutions: How national judges and legal communities ought to approach the entrenchment of neoliberalism through EU and IMF governance
  • Changing more than the law
  • Lawyers in a time of Peace? Human rights lawyers and the implementation of the Peace Accords in Colombia
  • Decolonizing Indigenous rights advocacy and strategic litigation 
  • A Thundering Wake Up Call’. High Time For Lawyers To Rise To The Challenge Of Protecting Climate Refugees 
  • Carceral Intent

Panel: The crisis of global economic organization – where is labour in the economic constitution?

Abstract: The crisis of global economic organisation: where is labour in the Economic Constitution?

Chair: Christian Joerges

Final Plenary Address

Valery Alzaga, Global Labour Justice: “Towards a social unionist model of transnational unionism” (TBC) 

Chair: Donatella Alessandrini