The Institute has been at the forefront of ever-developing research on European Criminal Law. It hosts regular events organised by the European Criminal Law Association UK, across a wide range of topics including money laundering, environmental crime, tax crime, bribery, financial crime, security, policing, police and judicial cooperation, and mutual recognition. 

The Sir William Dale Centre has particular expertise in this area of research. Experts within the Centre have undertaken pioneering studies funded by the Commission of the EU, including on the 'use of criminal records as a means of combating organised crime' and on the 'creation of a European Criminal Record'. The latter is an idea which has been taken up by the EU Commission in its proposal for the creation of a European criminal register. The Centre has also been commissioned by the EU to conduct Falcone and Grotius studies on different aspects of EU criminal law.

Other areas in which the Sir William Dale Centre has expertise is the use of databases as a means of combating organised crime and OLAF (the EU Anti-Fraud Unit). Experts within the Centre have given advice to the House of Lords European Union Committee and the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee on various aspects of EU Justice and Home Affairs Policy.